Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Not to Bad!

This weekend it was two of my dearest friends birthdays! Which made the weekend super fun! Friday we went over to an apartment where the fire alarm was pulled! That sucked, so we left and came back after everything was calmed down. We stayed for a little longer after that but then went back to stanger and passed out! On Saturday we did the same thing, minus the fire alarm getting pulled. We made jell-o shots and took them to get the night started. After that the night was a pretty good but started to go decline. Only a couple weeks left at EC lets make them GREAT!

Birthday Weekend

This past weekend was my birthday celebration, along with Codeword's birthday celebration. The weekend started on Thursday for me because all of my very best friends took me to Ed Debevic's for dinner. While enjoying a decent meal with a rude server, my friends brought out my birthday gifts which consisted of a blow-up doll and a chalice that said "Be-otch". They are my best friends because they knew exactly what I wanted for my birthday.
Prospect apartments for a little boozing with wrestling team butFriday ended up being not as much as I was expecting. We wandered our way over to the we were not there for very long before someone pulled the fire alarm. We all had to evacuate the building and the police began taking id's from the people that lived there so we figured it was to our benefit to just leave. So we meandered our way back to Stanger and watched a movie.
Saturday I just sat around and my brother and his girlfriend came into town. We set up a beer pong table in our room so although it was very cramped, we managed to have a good time. At around nine we walked back over to the Propsect apartments but this time Codeword, PepsiMax and a few others joined us. We were there for a pretty long time then decided to go to Copper Kitchen for some late night munchies. To be honest, I can't really recall the entire night because it went by so fast, but I had a pretty good time except for the fact that Codeword stole four bottles of my water, but it was alright because she needed them.
On Sunday I went to Egg Harbor for breakfast and that was very delicious. Then later that night I went to Benihana for dinner with my parents and Josh. Overall I had a decent weekend but honestly, it could have been better.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wonderful EC

I would say that this weekend was pretty eventful. The football guys have been very busy lately with football practices and working out that they really haven't been able to do much on the weekends. Since spring season is over it was time to make up for lost time. Thursday night two of the sport teams houses are next door to eachother, so they decided to start the weekend early. I actually ended up staying there till about 2 and eventually went to bed around 3:30. Due to the construction at West, I woke up sooooo early. Friday night it was pretty much the usual stuff except my girls and I started to drink around 2 in the afternoon and stopped at 2 in the morning. For Saturday, I worked about 10.5 hours and was dead tired from the previous two nights. So we decided to take it easy and go to the threaters to see Baby Mama. I recommend the movie it was so funny! There was not much going on Saturday anyways because the football guys had Valet Parking. All in all, this weekend was very good.

A Typical Weekend at EC

This weekend was like most weekends I have experienced at Elmhurst College. On Friday my roommate and I told ourselves we would get an early start on our homework and of course we didn't. Instead we hung out on campus during the day. We went to the roost for lunch and sat outside on the patio because it was actually a nice day. Eventually we went back to our room and got cleaned up to go out for the night. We ended up going to a party with a lot of people from EC at a house off campus. I actually ran into captainM there too. It was a lot of fun there, but the night eventually came to an end and my roommate and I ended up back in our dorm, tired. On Saturday I finally got to sleep in after a long week of 8AM classes. When I woke up it was already time for me to get ready for work. So I showered up, ate something, and was off to work for my 8 hour work day Saturday. When I arrived back on campus Saturday night, the campus was dead, as usual. There aren't too many students walking around late at night on campus, even on the weekends. So the night ended with me going to sleep because I was too tired to go out. I capped off my weekend on Sunday doing homework for pretty much the whole day. So it really was a typical weekend at EC.

Nothing but Soccer

This weekend was another uneventful weekend! Saturday I had a soccer tournament which I had to get up for at 7 a.m. The good news is we made it to the championship game! After playing soccer for 12 hours I went home where I met up with some of my friends. We made dinner, drank some vino, and relaxed. Then on Sunday I came back to Elmhurst and did homework all day! No fun this weekend. Next weekend will be very eventful because its codeword's and maverick's birthday!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

An Uneventful Weekend

My weekend was pretty uneventful all around. On Friday I had to lay low because we had a soccer tournament on Saturday. I had to wake up at like six in the morning to head over to the College of Dupage and play six games of soccer. Our team ended up making it to the finals and losing in the championship game. We got really nice forest green t-shirts but didn't get to leave the college until eight at night. Overall, it was a waste of my time and all I got out of it was a really terrible wind burned face.
My friend Erich was in town on Saturday so we went and got dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. That is easily my favorite restaurant of all time and I fully enjoyed my experience there. Getting back to campus, I was anticipating a pretty exciting night. We headed over to Schick hall and not within thirty minutes of being there did we recieve a call saying that our friend, Cassie, was sick and that we needed to come retreive her from the party. After carrying her back to North and holding her hair back while she vomitted into the toliet, we finally got her to pass out.
On Sunday I had to do homework all day because being a nursing major really takes a toll on the social life.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Captain M's weekend

My weekend was amazing. Even though I was not at Elmhurst, I went down to Purdue University to visit my best friend. It is Purdue's last week of school so therefore they call the last week "Grand Prix Week". During grand prix week, you pretty much party at the crack of dawn and just participate in various activities to end your year with a kick.
The drive down there was actually very quick. Once I got there, it was time to get ready for our friday night. Unlike Elmhurst, everyone gets so ready. They were wearing like high heals and dresses but it was still fun to dress up. Once we were ready, we got a sober ride over to the kappa sigs house. One of my friends from high school is in the fraternity. Before the night was over my friend and I decided we wanted breakfast. We went to Triple X. Let me tell you, that food was amazing!
Saturday was my favorite day down at Purdue. We went shopping and started to get ready right when we got back to the dorms. Since this was the last day of grand prix, it was the biggest party night. We went to a house party to just prix game and than hiked our way over to SNU. SNU is a fraternity that got with two other fraternities to create the biggest party on campus. This place is huge and every room on every floor was filled. The great thing about fraternity parties is that you never have to pay for your drinks because they pay for it. Unfortunately, someone pulled the fire alarm so everyone took off because any cops got there! Once again, back to Triple X.

All around my weekend was awesome and I wish I could do it all over again. Some of my friends said that there was a few great house parties here but only on Friday.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Codeword's Weekend

This weekend was actually pretty exciting for me, even though I was not in Elmhurst. I actually flew to go visit my sister in the scenic city of Omaha, Nebraska. I had a flying voucher from last year that was about to expire so it cost me seven dollars to get in. I was priveleged enough to have a fake id, so we made our way to the bar called "The Jay" and had ourselves one hell of a time. On Saturday she made omlets and we went shopping all day. We then had to take a little road trip to the city of Lincoln to pick up her boyfriend. He took us out to The Olive Garden where I enjoyed a healthy vegetarian pasta platter, yum. That night, we saw the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and although there were some pretty funny parts, there was also a lot of full frontal nudity. On Sunday before going to the airport we spent our afternoon at the art museum of Omaha, where we viewed many different kinds of artwork. My plane was delayed when I got to the airport so I sat lonely and afraid wondering if I'd ever make it back to the beautiful town of Elmhurst. Luckily, I did make it back only 7 hours before our six am practice began. I look forward to being around Elmhurst this weekend.

PepsimaX's weekend

How was everyones weekend? Anything exciting happen at Elmhurst? This weekend I wasn't on campus. I had to go home for my sisters birthday and then my boyfriend came home and surprised me. Other than that nothing exciting happened. I hope everyones weekend was enjoyable!